KAN YOU VEST – magarchivio


KAN YOU VEST is a danish knitting collective existing of three designers; Katrine Kjær, Lærke Barfod, and Astrid Randel. The collective was founded in 2019 as the designers met at the Design school Kolding. 

"With KAN YOU VEST, we focus on using some of all the materials that the fashion industry has created, but are outdated from the trend of the time again. 

We want to get to the bottom of some of the passive materials and make them active again. We want to be a response to the ’Buy and throw away culture. Create more relation and connection to our clothes. We do this by creating knits with relations in. Relation to the materials, to the production, to us, and to each other. 

We knit with yarn from second-hand shops, old sweaters that we unravel, or leftover yarn from other projects. We want to be a circular fashion company that gives the existing new life, instead of producing new. We have a bigger and more urgent need to simplify what we have done so much overtime to complicate. Knitting is a very intuitive craft that can take shape while you sit with it in your hands. We want to distance ourselves from a world where everything goes extremely fast. 

By combining pop culture references with a traditional craft, we try to manifest that everything takes time, but that time is eternal."

2 products